by Word Of Mouth Collective
At MAWDE, we’re experts in sleep, rest and relaxation – and we favour forward-thinking over dated dress-codes, and dated ways of working. Studies show that up to 45% of Australians are not getting an adequate amount of sleep and proper rest.
So, here’s our best working-from-home hacks (including balanced sleep) to help enhance your life.
Space: Make sure your space is clean, professional and in a different area of your house to where you live and eat. Creating a defined workspace means when you sit down, you send yourself a message that “I’m at work now.” (That’s why a key a work-from-home mantra is “your bed is not a desk!”). Even if you’re using your kitchen counter, clean it down and arrange your work things like it’s your office desk. It’s hard to be clear-headed and creative if you’re working around the dirty dishes.
Scent: Choose a candle or diffuser with a scent you love - one of our favourite sustainable candle brands is LUMIRA. Make sure that every time you sit down, you’re enveloped in a fragrance that sends a message to your brain that it’s work time, and you feel calm and happy. Fragrance is a powerful factor in setting your mind-state and the right scent is a great hack to help create an environment you love to work in. Scents with notes of citrus, mint, rosemary, or lavender can help promote concentration and productivity.
Sound: One of the luxuries of working alone is you can choose the podcast, Spotify playlist - or complete silence – that inspires you and gets your creative juices flowing. Everyone has different tastes and working from home is the opportunity to play what you love and works for you. We’re currently loving the chill vibes of Lo-Fi Beats by Spotify.
Snacks: Your brain consumes 20 percent of your energy, so if you’re hungry or dehydrated you just can’t work as well. Have your favourite water bottle or tea at hand to keep you going and make sure food is healthy, delicious and prepared before you sit down. Some tasty snack ideas include mixed nuts, apple slices, celery sticks and dark chocolate. At lunchtime, step away from your work space and go for a short walk to regather, reinvigorate and reboot. Sleep: Sleep is a critical factor for good brain function - cognition, concentration, productivity and performance, according to Healthline.
One of the advantages of working from home is you get a little extra sleep, simply because you don’t need to factor commute time into your morning. Use it well. People who have slept well are able to concentrate harder, and longer, and are happy and healthier.
It is aIso important to note here that MAWDE is great in bed! Sloungewear: Comfort is critical and one of the advantages of a life working from home is you can wear what you want. But you also have to venture outside to the shops or café meetings, or look sharp for a Zoom call. Our super-comfortable, sustainable gear, made from silky, breathable bamboo, can take you from the bedroom to brunch to the virtual boardroom.
MAWDE clothing is so versatile you can sleep in it, then simply slip on a fresh outfit and you’re ready for a big day in your perfect home working environment. But don’t just take our word for it, check out what our customers are saying and try it for yourself.